How It Works

How It Works

When you become a member, you have unique access to the “first pick” of what our gardens produce over the season.

The benefit to you is that you get the opportunity to purchase freshly harvested produce grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides directly from the farm.

The benefit to us is that we can spend our time in the gardens.

Members and Pricing

We limit the number of members and price our produce to make it worth while to be a member. Unlike a CSA, you are not given a set share. You may purchase as little or as much as you wish, although we reserve the right to limit quantity to ensure availability for all members.

Membership is free.

Our produce prices are among the best values in the region, it is comparable to the cost of purchasing the same produce locally that was grown using conventional means. Our goal is to bring you naturally grown produce at conventionally grown prices.

The process is simple. Members will receive an email at least a day or two ahead of when our crops are ready.

Prices, quantities ad pickup days will be posted. Members can then reserve a share by replying with your request. Our harvest is sold to our members on a first-come first-serve basis.

For example, you might be notified by email on Monday that 20 quarts of fresh strawberries are available for purchase on Wednesday. Simply respond to reserve a quart or two for pickup at the farm.

Pickup Day and Times

Pick up at the Farm is usually Wednesday afternoons from 4-6:30 pm.  Since our crops sometimes do not cooperate with our schedule, or need to be picked more than once a week, members will be notified in advance of additional pick-up times which will be at the Farm.

Black Creek Farm is conveniently located on Fryer Lane between the villages of Voorheesville and Altamont off Route 156. (See the map on the Contact Us page.)

We will keep you informed, thru our email newsletter, the “Grower’s Notes,” as to how the gardens are progressing and when you can expect our crops will be harvested.